The Best Trading Books You Should Read

Outline I. Introduction Pete introduces the topic of discussing his top and favorite trading books. He will share both foundational books as well as books that were influential at different points in his trading career. II. Foundational Books Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill Summary: This book emphasizes having a definite purpose, burning desire,…

Stocks Primed For Bullish Move

Outline: Introduction Pete welcomes viewers to the Monday edition of Stocks for Breakfast Will discuss the bullish turn in the market on Friday and what it means for trading this week Will map out the S&P 500, look at sector rotation, and trading ideas to watch Will also share insights from recent coaching session on…

Hedging – Step By Step

Introduction A. Pete greets viewers and says they’ll discuss hedging trades/portfolio  B. Says hedging can boost returns and reduce stress Story of Legendary Hedging Trader Trader Pete used to work with made $3-5 million per year  Primary strategy was hedging long and short positions In bull markets: 1. Went long 3x as many shares as…