Stop Downloading Trading PDF’s
The market is stuck, but certain stocks are rocking.
If you’re missing them it can only mean one of two things.
- You don’t have an edge.
- You don’t have your software set up properly to tell you when your edge is there.
Most traders focus all of their attention on the setups. And while that’s important, it’s also a monster mistake.
You didn’t open a trading account to be the world’s best chart reader.
You opened a trading account to get paid.
Knowing what to look at (chart setups) is different from knowing how to produce a positive P&L.
The latter is the trading part of trading.
That’s right, chart reading is not trading. Technical analysis is not trading.
One very important thing to note, you probably know everything thing you need to know about charts.
What you most likely need at this point is understanding how to use that knowledge.
Downloading 20 more free PDF’s won’t help. You need to trade, to learn how to trade.
Keep a journal and learn from mistakes, learn from the winners.
It’s the fastest path. Studying until your eyeballs are blood-red is not the path.
Trading is about building an edge, position sizing, entries, exits, and managing your emotions.
It’s also about doing the work. Putting in the extra time earns you an opportunity.
So if you’re missing these moves while the market flounders, it’s time to level up and use a system, a process that separates the research/technical part of trading from the money making part.
In this video I demonstrate this concept using the TradingView platform.
Seeing a part my process can help you understand what you’re missing.